For the authors
The journal publishes:
theoretical contributions
The editorials are published only at the invitation of the Editorial Board.
The column “news” publishes national and international documents, proceedings and
reviews of scientific meetings; it is fuelled by both specialized sources and the participation
of the staff of the Centre in scientific, educational, promotional initiatives in Italy and
Reviews and bibliographical cards are published under the responsibility of the editorial
office as well.
Evaluation of contributions
Each article is reviewed by at least two members of the editorial advisory board; their
decisions are communicated to the authors.
The evaluations of the contributions are based on the following criteria: the relevance and
pertinence of the topics discussed, novelty, expositive clearness, use of the existing
literature, methodology’s accurateness, appropriateness of analysis, correct results
interpretation, adequateness of discussion.
The editorial advisory board commits to communicate to the authors first decision about
the manuscripts submitted within five months.
The text of the articles should not be longer than 40000 characters (spaces included),
without summary and bibliography.
The first page should contain:
the title (in English and Italian)
3 to 5 keywords (in English and Italian)
the summary (in English and Italian)
The summary should be structured as follows: objectives, methods, results, conclusions.
Full name, membership institution, address and phone number of the author (or the
authors) should be clearly indicated in a separate file.
For the footnotes, use the symbols * and **, while for notes within the text use progressive
numbers starting from 1 in each article.
Complete address, phone number, fax number and email address should be indicated.
Body of the text
Times New Roman, size 11, justified text, single spacing
Body of the summary: Times New Roman, size 9, justified
Tables, picture, graphics should be sent as single files, progressively numbered in the
order of the first citation in the text and completed with a caption. They should be only
The tables should be in format word, the picture should be in high quality format (TIFF and
JPG), graphics in format Excel.
It should be compiled according to the Vancouver Style.
The articles should be accompanied by a declaration of responsibility (see the attached
file) in which the author grants to the Publisher the rights of economic exploitation of the
article, without limits of space and within the maximum time recognized by the existing law
(currently 20 years) with all the technology now available and/or developed in the future.
This includes any kind of reproduction and distribution of the article. It also grants the
editor the exclusive right to translate, reproduce, distribute the article in any language, the
advertising exploitation rights, the right to grant third parties the rights they are entitled,
both upon payment and free of charge, without limits of space and within the maximum
time recognized by the existing law (currently 20 years) with all the technology now
available and/or developed in the future. In case of an article with more than one author,
all the other authors must sign the disclaimer.
Conflict of interest
At the end of the text, under the entry “declared conflicts of interests” the authors must
disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that
could inappropriately influence their work. Examples of conflicts include employment,
consultancies, stock participation, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications,
grants or other financing.
Contributions must be sent by email to: paola.beatini@unipg.it
Centro Sperimentale per la Promozione della Salute e l’Educazione Sanitaria
(Telefono: 075.585-7357/8036 - *Email: centro.cespes@unipg.it
Via del Giochetto, n°6 - 06126 - Perugia, Italia
Piazzale Severi,1 - 06132 -Perugia, Italia